The Science Behind Beeline šŸ

3 ways that we help you learn more effectively!

The Science Behind BeelineĀ šŸ

What we use to help you learn more effectively

Here at Beeline, weā€™re passionate about doing things correctly. As a learning tool, everything we do is designed for the learner and built on top of modern learning science.

Iā€™ve explored how to Use Learning Science to Stop Forgetting What You Learn before. Weā€™ve used these fundamentals as guiding principles in our platform to assist individuals and companies with learning and development, and to ensure they learn effectively.

Here are a few things weā€™ve built into the platform to help you learn better and remember MORE!*v5ziVPkqhacYot8YHRqqAA.png
Thereā€™s science behind learning on Beeline! (Image from @flaticon)

1. Spaced Repetition

Spaced repetition is a memory technique that involves reviewing and recalling information at optimal spacing intervals until the information is learned at a sufficient level. This technique helps your brain remember more information as it keeps the material fresh in your mind and forces you to use active recall.

It works by scheduling reviews for pieces of knowledge at growing intervals, to reduce the amount which is forgotten. Each time knowledge is reviewed, the rate at which is forgotten begins to decrease. The practice, therefore, ensures that the key information is retained, for longer.*KD2yLeaV8N0qUKywW0lCNA.png
The impact of spaced reviews on the forgetting curve.

Spaced repetition is extremely effective in improving long-term memory recall. It also increases the chance of an individual acquiring transferable knowledge to other contexts, and it reduces the overall amount of time spent on study sessions.

Beeline uses spaced repetition to help you practice and revise at optimal times!

When you complete a Cell that has Questions and flashcards, they get automatically added to your personal revision library, to be asked to you again in the future based on how well you have remembered them.

All you need to do is click PRACTICE when you see questions waiting for you!*OVaPSy7KyJZpmjz9bj0v6w.gif
Click the Brain Icon to practice questions that are waiting forĀ you!

Make sure that when youā€™re CREATING a new Beeline, you add Flashcards and Questions for the things you want to remember!

2. ActiveĀ Recall

Active recall is a learning method that involves retrieving information from memory and repeated testing to improve retention, memorization, and comprehension. Itā€™s commonly used in a self-directed manner through flashcards or self-generated questions. Source

The process of trying to retrieve information from memory helps us learn BETTER, even if we donā€™t get it fully correct.

Beeline uses Active Recall in all of its questions and practice modes!

All you need to do is hit PRACTICE and challenge yourself to recall the answer from memory before revealing the answer.

Based on how well you indicate you remembered the answer will determine when next it appears for you to practice!*mWDNvJx5xGWX9MWT.jpg
Retrieving information from memory is a KEY part of the effective learning process.Ā Image

3. Interleaving

Interleaving is a learning technique that involves mixing different topics or forms of practice, to facilitate learning.

Rather than practicing all of the same things in large blocks, interleaving entails mixing problems and topicsā€Šā€”ā€Ša powerful way to challenge yourself further and boost the rate at which you learn new things!

Interleaving helps people retain new information, acquire new skills, and improve existing abilities in a wide range of domains. Source*zGdSzTJETMM39-XC.png
Massed practice vs Interleaved practice. Image

Interleaving is BUILT into the daily practising and spaced repetition system of Beeline! All you need to do is practice questions that are waiting for you each day!

There are several other techniques that weā€™ve used in the platform to help you create effective learning pathways and share them with your audiences.

This list is by no means all that we have built into the tool, nor all that we plan to. Weā€™re constantly improving, adapting and integrating additional ways to help our learners learn more, engage more deeply and get the most out of Beeline.

We canā€™t wait to show you all the amazing things that we have in store for the future!

Test out Beeline for yourself by signing up on our website! Itā€™s free!

We also have private workspaces for companies and organisations that are building out their knowledge and training hubsā€Šā€”ā€Štake a look!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1ā€Šā€”ā€ŠHow does spaced repetition within Beeline enhance long-term memory retention?

Spaced repetition in Beeline schedules reviews of information at increasing intervals, enhancing long-term memory retention by keeping material fresh and requiring active recall, effectively decreasing the rate of forgetting.

2ā€Šā€”ā€ŠIn what way does Beeline utilise active recall to improve learning outcomes?

Beeline incorporates active recall through practice modes and questions, prompting users to retrieve information from memory before revealing the answer, which improves retention, memorization, and comprehension.

3ā€Šā€”ā€ŠCan you explain how interleaving practice in Beeline helps in mastering new topics or skills?

Interleaving practice in Beeline mixes different topics or types of practice within daily sessions, challenging users to adapt and apply knowledge across contexts, which enhances learning efficiency and skill mastery.

by James Mallett
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